
Nguyen Thi Anh Thu

Before joining WIKI LEGAL LLC, Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Thu has 01 year’s experience interning at several reputable companies such as Phoenix Holdings, Dai Ly Thue Hop Luat JSC.

Working experience:

+ Translating legal documents, Business Registration Certificates, and Investment Registration Certificate;

+ Perform in-depth legal research on financial services in Vietnam and Indonesia; domestic and foreign investment;

+ Organize and manage internal legal documents and portfolios;

+ Take part in reviewing contracts, agreements of the projects;

+ Assist Legal Director with various tasks related to the notary, notarized translation;

+ Assist to complete legal procedures such as business registration applications and changing the business registration contents for enterprises/projects;

+ Research legal issues, update regulations on trading, tax, labor, import and export, insurance;

+ Perform tasks or initiatives related to C&B, insurance, business license.

Professional background:

In 2022, Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Thu held a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Open Ho Chi Minh University.