Legal services

Public-Private Partnership

In recent years, public-private partnership (PPP) projects have been widely implemented to support infrastructure development and have become an increasingly popular model for delivering various public services worldwide.

The PPP model brings private sector involvement into project implementation, enhancing efficiency in resource allocation, operations, and management. Additionally, PPP projects provide access to supplementary resources to meet the growing demand for infrastructure investment, creating more opportunities to adopt and leverage advanced international technologies.

However, challenges remain at multiple stages, including project selection, project information dissemination, administrative procedures, and implementation mechanisms.

Wiki Legal provides the following services to assist businesses and investors in successfully executing PPP projects:

  • Consulting on the legal framework for infrastructure project development in Vietnam;
  • Assisting investors during the bidding phase to select project developers for PPP initiatives;
  • Consulting, drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts related to infrastructure development and PPP projects;
  • Consulting on legal issues arising during the execution of infrastructure and PPP projects;
  • Consulting on dispute resolution during the implementation and execution of PPP projects.


Quach Manh Hong

Managing Partner | HN Office

Phone:  +84 912 254 860

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